Since the middle of 2009 the Pragmatic Bookshelf has been publishing their free PragPub magazine each month, which is packed with features and interesting articles from various different departments, and all are available in EPUB.
The Pragmatic Programmers is an agile publishing company whose focus is to “improve the lives of developers” by releasing practical books which are written by programmers for programmers.
They initially made a name for themselves after the release of their software engineering book, The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master, but have gone on to release a series of agile books covering everything from Programming Ruby to Test-Driven Development to Pragmatic Thinking & Learning.
Their free magazines cover all kinds of topics to help and inform both novice and professional programmers alike. Editor Michael Swaine presents features including;
- Pragmatic Publishing
- When Things Go Wrong
- Pragmatic Life
- Managing Your Life Projects
- Beauty in Code
- Responsive Design
- Tips on Agile Programming
- The Key to Better Software
- Better Tools and Training
Since the beginning of 2010 the Pragmatic Bookshelf has been running a regular feature entitled ‘When Did That Happen?’, which picks up on key moments in history, and is always fun to read.
Go pick up the latest edition from;